JDeveloper Sucks

During 2008 I've been using Oracle JDeveloper for J2EE, or JEE as SUN has renamed it, using ADF.
I can only say that JDeveloper sucks... And by the way, ADF sucks too...

JDeveloper deteriorates with usage, meaning if you use it a lot, as I do on a daily basis, will start behaving weird, like crashing when it's started or refusing to close a file that has been edited, even if it file is no longer accessible through a tab, it is still loaded, since it is reachable through the window list.
Degradation is not uncommon in such IDEs, sometimes Eclipse also deteriorates, specially when it has loads and loads of plugins. But Eclipse can be "restarted", just do a -clean and it stability will come back. JDeveloper does not have such parameter, and one has to reinstall it (overwriting will not work) and reinstall all necessary plugins or "clean" it manually, witch is not easy nor fast to do.
Degradation itself is bad enough, but it's not the only bad feature it has.
Some simple an common functionality is really bad implemented, so bad that it can ruin ones work, has it has already done with me. A "simple" rename of a variable, through the refactor functionality, will perform a textual search for the variable string name in all the files. The result can be catastrophic, since it can (an will) find that variable string as a substring on a non-related variable and method names... Yep, it's default refactoring will "blindly" perform a textual find-and-replace in all your .java project files... So be careful and check the preview option before doing it.
The Subversion (SVN) plugin sucks to... It's not really useful. I was expecting to commit/update over a project, but that is not possible. One can do such operation over files and some directories, but the SVN plugin is not that useful, since if your project has more that a module, you need to go to "special" directories/packages and perform the commit/update, on each module...
The debug task is also not very good. When one watches a variable or expression, most of the time it cannot retrieve/evaluate its value.

These are just some examples of how bad JDeveloper is. I knew it was not state-of-the-art, but I was not expecting something this bad...
Here's a hint for Oracle JDeveloper product management: how about using Eclipse RCP as the base of JDeveloper?
