DbVisualizer for DB2 on iSeries

In a previous post I refered that I would be using SQuirreL SQL to access DB2 on AS/400 unless I find some limitiations.
Well, such limitation have been found. I don't know why, but the connection to AS/400 through JTOpen times out every time I run a SQL command, looks like it has a 30 seconds timeout.
I was unable to overcome this, since the driver option for that had no effect when SQuirreL SQL has no option to reconnect automatically nor to keep the session alive.
This has become extremely annoying, uncomfortable, and finally, unusable.

This forced me to search for another solution. And this time it was DbVisualizer. I've used it a couple of times before and I liked it. It's also a Java application and the JTOpen configuration was straight forward.

I'm using it and I'm loving it. The timeout problem simply does not exist. I found DbVisualizer better in many ways, specially in the user interface, witch is better designed.
As before, I'll stick with DbVisualizer, unless I find some limitations or something better comes up.
