How to include a local font in CSS

Web development usually includes nice fonts defined from a CSS file. The fonts can be located on a third party server, like Google Fonts, or locally at your own server, just beside the CSS file.

Sometimes one finds very nice fonts but cannot rely on third party servers, which forces one to include the fonts locally.
I've come up with a simple solution to avoid this tedious task:
  1. Download the fonts you wish, e.g. from Google Fonts add them to your collection and then get them as a zip file.
  2. Go to Font Squirrel Webfont Generator and upload the font files.
  3. Wait for the end of the font process and download the kit.
With this simple steps, one gets the fonts and the correspondent CSS file ready for usage, just import the "stylesheet.css" file into your own CSS files.


Trusting Android Certificates

While having trouble in reaching a website under HTTPS in Android 4.2 I needed to tell Android to trust the certificate.

Here's how to Trusting Android Certificates.


Debug Email in Web Applications

Email debugging may be painless.

This simple technique shows how one can do it in a very simple way.
It aims at Django applications, but the first technique is actually a generic one that anyone can use if Python is installed in the development machine: Debugging email on Django application development


Upgrade PostgreSQL from 9.1 to 9.3 on Kubuntu

The following article show how to upgrade PostgreSQL from version 9.1 to version 9.3 in Kubuntu.
This will also work in Ubuntu and it can also be applied to upgrade between any version of PostgreSQL.

Here's how to Upgrade PostgreSQL from 9.1 to 9.3 on Kubuntu.


Drupal Small Guide & Arquitecture

While looking for some specific Drupal architecture information, I came across this small, focused tutorial.
I recommend it for beginners: Tutorial Drupal.

I also find what I was looking for:
Specially using Oracle database as the data repository for Drupal: