XAMPP & Skype Conflict

I've just found out that, in my Windows 7Skype and XAMPP have a conflict.
Apache cannot start if Skype is running because it states that port 80 is already in use. When configured to port 8080, Apache does not start because port 443 is in use.

The solution?
Terminate Skype, start Apache, start Skype.



MetaMod Placeholder Position Display Management

When using Joomla! sometimes one requires to hide some information, like a specific menu, or an entire position.

MetaMod let’s you do this in a quite easy way.
One can follow their documented technique of moving stuff from an non-existing position into the real position, or one can use a simpler strategy that does not imply having virtual positions and nor moving stuff between these virtual positions and the real position: MetaMod Position Display Management.
