How to solve "detected dubious ownership in repository" when "directory = *" does not seem to have any effect

The issue

This week me and my team started to get a weird git message

fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository [directory]

that basically did not allow us to pull nor push changes.


The simple solution that did not work

Most of the issues seemed Windows related and I was on Kubuntu, but I assumed that the operating system would not be a point of interest, which, in the end, proved to be correct.

All solutions pointed to the execution of a simple command

git config --global --add [directory]

which would, simply, add the [directory] to the ~/.gitconfig file and that would mark the [directory] as being trusted and thus solving the issue. A more simple approach would be using * as the [directory], basically saying any directory.

And that was the road that I took. But with no success. I even tried --system instead of --global which would set that configuration at the system level (in /etc directory) instead of the making it only available to the user.

I ended up with a ~/.gitconfig file like this:

       email =
       name = M6
       directory = *

But nothing seemed to work.

The suspicious directory

Early on, I did notice something weird. The [directory] presented in the solutions referred to local paths, but the [directory] I was getting was the repository server path.

If it was a local issue, the [directory] would be something like /home/m6/work/repo_project but I was getting /var/git/repo_project, which only exists on the repository server.

While doing the investigation, I did came across with a project that was working fine! This raised my doubts about that local ~/.gitconfig file being if any use since the that particular repository worked fine with, or without that file being present on the system.

The solution

I logged on the repository server and checked that my user had a ~/.gitconfig file present with the directory parameter pointing precisely to the path of the only project that was working fine.

I changed the value *, which means any path, gave it a try and suddenly the problem was solved for me.

I checked with my team and since the server is solely dedicated to be a git repository server, most of the people do not have a real home in the system since they do not have the need to work on the server.

The solution for the team users that do not have a home was to create a dummy /home/gitdummy directory, create a .gitconfig file holding

       directory = *

and finally change the users home in the /etc/passwd file pointing it to /home/gitdummy.


In short, if you run into this issue and the straight forward solution does not seem to work for you as it did not for me, check where the path is located, enter on that system and add

       directory = *

to the ~/.gitconfig file of your user.

If you run into a transversal issue affecting all users of that system, just apply that solution to all of them.

If the users do not have a home on that system, create a dummy home and point the users home to it.


Percentage Difference Calculator

While looking for a mathematical formula, I came across this Percentage Difference Calculator.
The solution is performed step by step and it has a detailed explanation about the formula.


Communication between .NET WebView2 client and web page using JavaScript PostMessages

When embedding a web page in your Windows desktop or mobile application usually one requires to have some kind of communication between them.  

In the old Internet Explorer days, the WebBrowser component was the way to go and a web page could send a message by writing  it on the status bar. The application would then read the status bar content and this simple mechanism allowed some kind of communication.
These days Internet Explorer and the status bar are pretty much dead and there are different ways to communicate.

The WebView2 is the current way to go (get it from NuGet) and even it it is a far more complete and complex component, upgrade is not really that hard for the basic stuff such as getting the event of document complete or location has changed.

WebView embraces new ways for interoperability between the application and the web page.
One simple way to replace the status bar messages mechanism is to use the ExecuteScriptAsync to execute JavaScript code to read information from your page. For instance, using the old hidden field trick as a message store.

But new and more powerful ways are available to have better communication.
While researching on this topic, I found a post that describes multiple ways to reach this goal, like using "postMessage" and "hostObject": Chromium WebView2 Control and .NET to JavaScript Interop - Part 2 

Microsoft also has tutorials on this:


Setting up C# development environment in Linux

Recently I got curious in  .Net development on Linux environment.

I am aware of the Mono Project, but wanted to keep it as "pure" as it could be, meaning that I wanted to be, as much as possible, a Microsoft development environment.

I'm a long time Kubuntu user when it comes to Linux desktop, and I'm also a Visual Studio Code user for quite sometime.


.Net SDK

Starting with the basics, and already having VS Code installed, I started by installing .Net (Kubuntu is not mentions, just use Ubuntu as the reference) simply using 

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y dotnet-sdk-7.0

That pretty much takes care of having .Net SDK installed.


Next step was to set up VS Code as the IDE.
This was achieved by installing the following VS Code extensions:

As a hint, pressing CTRL+SHIF+X on VS Code and searching for ms-dotnettools  on the extensions marketplace will list a lot of useful things.

Hello World

Once the basic was in place, it was time to try it out.
On a terminal, I typed the following commands to set up a Hello World console application:

mkdir HelloWorld
cd HelloWorld
dotnet new console

And a new console application was created printing "Hello, World!" into the terminal.
As a hint, type "dotnet help" for a list of available commands. Try also "dotnet new list" for a list of available templates.

Open the HelloWorld folder with VS Code, CTRL+K CTRL+O, and you can see generated code in the Program.cs file.

To build and run the application, just press CTRL+SHIFT+D and you'll be on the Run and Debug menu options. Having the ".Net Core Launch (console)" option selected and using "Start Debugging (F5)" will bring up the Debug Console and you'll be able to see the application execution.

Bonus | Desktop and Game Development

Don't get disappointed because it is not possible to develop desktop applications using Forms in Linux using C#.
It is possible to develop cross-platform games for desktop, or other kind of graphical applications, using SDL2 and OpenGL.
For that, and as Microsoft refers, it is possible to use MonoGame, just check the DesktopGL, template mgdesktopgl.
Keep in mind that packaging  and distribution is available, start coding and have fun.

To package and distribute, you can .


How to setup VSCode launch.json for Xdebug version 2

I had to make some maintenance on a web application using Yii 1.1.4 framework running on PHP 7 and for that, I set up an Ububtu 18.04 LTS Desktop on a virtual machine. 

After the usual bunch of "apt-get install" commands and a few configurations, I got the new development environment up and running having Visual Studio Code as my IDE.

But, almost as soon as I got it running, I got the need to step debug it. For that, I went to Xdebug, I installed it via "apt-get" and configured it, but it was not working as expected.
I check the configuration parameters and give it another try. No go. Xdebug was installed, PHP was recognizing it on both cli and web, but it was still not working.
After a few seconds, I spotted the issue: it was a Xdebug version 2!

A lot has changed between version 2 and 3 of Xdebug.

The thing was that I wanted to keep version 2, and for that I had to configure "launch.json" file and Xdebug in the appropriate way.

On PHP configuration file:
xdebug.remote_enable = 1
xdebug.remote_autostart = 1
And on "launch.json":

    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
    // For more information, visit:
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Listen for Xdebug",
            "type": "php",
            "request": "launch",
            "port": 9003
            "name": "Launch currently open script",
            "type": "php",
            "request": "launch",
            "program": "${file}",
            "cwd": "${fileDirname}",
            "port": 0,
            "runtimeArgs": [
            "env": {
                "XDEBUG_MODE": "debug,develop",
                "XDEBUG_CONFIG": "client_port=${port}"
            "name": "Launch Built-in web server",
            "type": "php",
            "request": "launch",
            "runtimeArgs": [
            "program": "",
            "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
            "port": 9003,
            "serverReadyAction": {
                "pattern": "Development Server \\(http://localhost:([0-9]+)\\) started",
                "uriFormat": "http://localhost:%s",
                "action": "openExternally"

The default port is 9000, but I'm used to have Xdebug on 9003, so I reconfigured it. The remaining parameters are, basically, the version 2 way of activation the debugger on a request.


Setup RESTful API in Yii2 Advanced Application

While researching for RESTful API implementation in Yii2, I've came across this: Setup RESTful API in Yii2.

It is based on a very old Yii2 beta advanced application, but the knowledge and the techniques are perfectly up to date.
You'll need to understand Routing.


Linux Self-Extracting Script

While developing a web application - certified for Linux only - I wanted an easy way to deploy it.
The classical RPM (good guide) and DEB (simple guide) packages were an option and, as I write this, the DEB package is actually finished but the RPM is considerable more complex and I'm still not convinced that it is worth the work for what is required, though, it may not be included in the final version.

Since I do not wish to create nor maintain lots of distribution packages, the obvious choice was to have an installation package that could be executed in any Linux distribution.

In the past, around 2003 or so, I've already had a similar problem and the solution back then was to use a self extracting archive. After some research, I found out an easy and simple way to do it.
Here's a detailed explanation on how things can be done: Bash Self-Extracting Script.
If you wish for a faster solution, you can check this Self-extracting Shell Script.
