1000000000000 Frames per Second Photography

A very cool technology breakthrough: taking pictures faster than the speed of light.


Make Your Own Cert With OpenSSL

I needed to create digital certificates to use on a web application, served by IIS
Here's a nice tutorial on Howto: Make Your Own Cert With OpenSSL.


Revenge of the Nerds

While talking with a friend about learning and using less kown programming languages, I've remembered Paul Graham article Revenge of the Nerds, which I've shown him since he didn't knew it.

It's a great article and I recommend all hackers, by Paul Graham definition, to read it. 


Financial Reporting with Analysis Services

I'm currently working on a data warehouse prof of concept, and a friend pointed me to a interesting report about business intelligence financial reporting with SQL Server

I hope you find it useful also: Financial Reporting with Analysis Services 
